I voted today sticker

Certifying Election Results

lections are far from over at the close of polling on Election Day. After everyone’s cast their ballots, we still have a ways to go before election results are finalized and made official. In this post, we take a brief look at how and when presidential election results (from the general election) are certified.

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Campaign Work: YOU belong here

Campaign Work: YOU belong here

By volunteering or working on a campaign, YOU can play a major role in electing more women. IGNITE alumna Emily Kaplan has rounded up some tips from her time working on campaigns to inspire you.

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Why is it so hard to vote in Texas?

Why is it so hard to vote in Texas?

In recent weeks, we’ve talked a lot about the importance of voting, convincing the non-voter to vote, and falsehoods about voting. Voter apathy is very real. It’s one of the reasons the U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts in the developed world, but it’s certainly not the only reason. Registration, scheduling, and voter suppression contribute to this problem as well, and unfortunately, it’s simply much harder to vote in some states than others. On the contrary, states, where it’s the easiest to vote, have conveniences like online voter registration, automatic voter registration, allowing voters to register on Election Day, and some even have universal mail-in voting.

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Why is it so hard to vote in Florida?

Why is it so hard to vote in Florida?

Florida is no stranger to Election Day mishaps. Three statewide recounts in 2018, Russian hacking in 2016, and unreasonably long voting lines in 2012. When we talk about states where it’s hardest to vote, Florida is definitely up there with its history of challenges dating back two decades.

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How to win at election day

How to win at election day

Election season has been in full swing for some time now. In fact, many states have already started early voting and collecting absentee and mail-in ballots. Part and parcel with the hype and excitement of the election is stress and anxiety.

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How your vote impacts reproductive rights

How your vote impacts reproductive rights

There are few issues that have been so passionately debated for so long. Regardless of your views on specific aspects of reproductive rights, one thing’s for sure: Your vote makes a difference. Who you help elect into office and the applicable ballot measures you help decide shape our reproductive care environment.

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How your vote impacts jobs and unemployment

How your vote impacts jobs and unemployment

There’s a ton of info about how your employment status or socioeconomic standing will impact your voting habits and selections. But what about the other way around? How does your vote affect jobs and one’s standard of living?

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