Why is it so hard to vote in Florida?

Florida is no stranger to Election Day mishaps. Three statewide recounts in 2018, Russian hacking in 2016, and unreasonably long voting lines in 2012. When we talk about states where it’s hardest to vote, Florida is definitely up there with its history of challenges dating back two decades. The pressure is on for Florida, like the rest of the country, to get this right. With widespread claims of voter fraud coupled with a larger request for mail-in ballots due to the pandemic, many wonder how Florida will handle the surge and ensure results are decided on Election Day.
If you haven’t already voted, make sure you do everything you can to ensure your vote is cast and counted before Election Day. Here’s how to make sure your vote is counted in Florida:
Vote-by-mail and make sure it’s counted!
- For your mail-in ballot to be counted, it must arrive at the supervisor of elections office before 7 p.m. on Election Day. It can come in by mail or get dropped off at an official dropbox. In Florida, “postmark by” means nothing, your ballot must actually arrive on Election Day. So don’t wait!
- Sign and date the outside of the ballot envelope with your registered signature. Many people change their signature over the years so make sure it’s the one used when you registered to vote.
- In Florida, supervisors of elections count mail-in ballots as they come in, so vote early! And with us being so close to Election Day, drop off your ballot at an official dropbox if you can!
Registered voters can also vote in person before Election Day. Early voting will help you avoid crowds and allow you to find a time that’s better for your schedule. Early voting in Florida began October 19 and extends through November 1.
Vote In-Person Early
- In Florida, early voting dates, locations, and times vary widely. Be sure to check specifics for your county here.
- You must bring a valid photo ID with a signature. If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature.
Vote In-Person on Election Day
- Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. If you are in line at 7:00 p.m. you will have the opportunity to cast a ballot.
- Locate your precinct or polling location, visit your Supervisor of Elections' website or on the Voter Information Lookup.
- You must bring a valid photo ID with a signature. If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature.
In-person COVID Precautions
- Maintain social distance of at least 6-feet between yourself and others
- Screen yourself for any new symptoms of COVID-19
- Bring your own pen and hand sanitizer
- Disinfect your hands upon entering and leaving the polling station
- Wear a face mask
Just because you live in a state where it’s more difficult to vote, shouldn’t keep you from showing up. This is a very important and exciting time to get involved in our political process and let your voice be heard. Make a plan to vote with friends and enjoy the process! Be sure to read our Election Day Guide for ideas of what to bring and how to prepare.
Let’s #IGNITEthevote together. Get started by making your plan to vote!