Post-finals self-care tips from IGNITE

You did it! Finals week is over, your exams are completed and now it’s time to take a well-deserved break. We’re here to help you do some self-care as you unwind from classes after a jam-packed semester.. Keep reading to see how you can destress now that your semester is over.
Self-care tip #1 - Acknowledge your achievements

To start off your post-finals self-care, take a moment to acknowledge the fact that you finished your exams, and the semester, during one of the most challenging years. Despite everything, you still made it to the finish line and that in itself is a huge accomplishment. So take a deep breath and remember to be kind to yourself. School is important and so is your mental health.
Self-care tip #2 - Treat yourself
We all deserve to treat ourselves every once in a while. In fact, studies show that doing so is important for our wellbeing. You don’t have to go all out. Indulge in some takeout from your favorite restaurant or get yourself an early holiday present like one of our new face masks. Even just watching your favorite show or getting back into your hobbies are ways to treat yourself. Whatever you choose to do, don’t feel guilty for treating yourself. After all, science is on our side.
Self-care tip #3 - Get active
Yes, we always mention this one, but if you’ve been studying for finals nonstop then chances are that you’ve been glued to your desk. If you have some more free time now, incorporate daily activities back into your routine. Take a short walk outside if the weather is enjoyable, dance to your favorite song or do 15 minutes of indoor yoga. Here’s a list of ways you can exercise indoors during COVID.
Note: Getting active is important but so is getting rest. If you weren’t sleeping enough during finals week, make sure you get the rest you need now that your semester is over.
As you take some time to destress and enjoy your well-deserved rest, check out some of the exciting things coming up from IGNITE. Like Run Now, our cohort-based virtual training to expedite your path to political leadership.