IGNITE's Guide to Running for Office: Step 6

Step 6: Declare your Political Power

You have made it to step six, congrats! You are building your ambition and now it is time to declare your political power to your community and most importantly, to yourself.

Watch as young women declare their ambition to run for office.

Write it down

It is time to declare your political power to your community and most importantly, to yourself. Science proves time and time again that when we write down our goals, we're more likely to achieve them!

Take out a piece of paper and write out the following:

I, _____________________, declare that I will _________________________ to claim my political power! 

Now, work on filling in the two blanks. The first blank is for your name. The second blank is how you will claim your political power.

Will you run for office? Will you help a candidate run their race? Will you mobilize voters? Will you apply to serve on a community board? Will you be a policy maker? Will your organize your community to take action in other ways?

Whatever it is, write it down! 

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Tell everyone about it

Science also tells us that when we share our goals, we're more likely to commit to making them happen. 

Whatever you wrote, shout it from the rooftops! Tell your community and networks. Post it to social media. Gather a group of your closest friends and family and share this amazing update in your journey.

Finally, place your declaration somewhere you'll see it every day to remind yourself of your ambition and stay on track with your plans.

Use our social media templates 

Download our template and add to your social media, filling in the blanks with your declaration. Remember to post with #DeclareYourAmbition and tag @IGNITE_National so we can celebrate you! 

Your next steps

No matter what comes next, IGNITE is here for you! Here are three ways you can keep building your political power.

run now training

Run Now

Register for IGNITE's Run Now training

IGNITE’s 8-week cohort-based virtual training will expedite your path to political leadership. You will learn every aspect of running a campaign - articulating your personal call to service, fundraising, endorsements, field, and opportunities to meet with elected women and campaign consultants who will guide you with your bids. Register here.

step 4-1

College Chapters

Bring IGNITE to your university

IGNITE provides tools to launch and grow peer-driven college chapters. Build your leadership by organizing activities like voter registration drives, policy workshops, and meetings with elected leaders on campus. You and your chapter members can access IGNITE trainings and events throughout the year. Start here.

Young Women Run Texas, Spring 2022

Other events

Find a training or event near you

IGNITE hosts online events and trainings to accelerate young women’s path to political power. Register for one of our upcoming training series or webinars. Visit the calendar.

Win IGNITE gear by taking our survey 

Now that you've completed IGNITE's Six-Step Guide to Running for Office, we'd love to learn more about your political ambitions. What's next? When will you run for office? Complete our quick survey and you'll be entered to win some pretty sweet IGNITE gear. One winner picked every week!  

