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Zoom backgrounds to remind your friends to vote

You're passionate about voting. Usually this time of year you are canvassing, knocking on doors, or hosting voter registration events. This year, you're in Zoom calls for HOURS. Make good use of that time by reminding your classmates or colleagues to #IGNITEtheVote. 

Check out this tutorial from Zoom on how to update your background. Right-click the image to download. Or drag and drop to your desktop.

Let your Zoom room know you're here to help them register to vote. 

Encourage them to ask you about all things voting! 

People who make a plan to vote are much more likely to actually cast their ballot. Let your friends know you'll help them make that plan.

Check-in with your friends and colleagues on Zoom with the big question: are they ready?

Test out these backgrounds by joining IGNITE online for an upcoming training or event. 

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