IGNITE's Guide to Running for Office: Step 4

Step 4: Build a Broad Network

Successful candidates have a large network of people behind them. They are well-known members of their community. Establish your network purposefully, drawing from different areas of your personal, social, professional and academic life.

Spotlight: Mayleen Mermea, Future President

Mayleen Mermea has plans to run for president in 2032. As an IGNITE Fellow, Mayleen motivated other young women to realize their political ambition the same way the person who told her she should run for office did.

“I’ve met some powerful women, including elected officials and my fellow IGNITE sisters. Whatever it is that we’ll be doing in our lives going forward, I know that we’ll continue to support each other.” 

mayleen group

Map your communities

Think about what communities you belong to. Ask yourself:

  • What communities are you naturally a part of?  
  • For each community you are a part of, how can you establish yourself as a leader within that community?
  • What role can these different communities play in my campaign? 

Types of communities

Every community you've ever been part of will become an important part of your network when you launch your campaign. Past and present community members are voters. They are also potential donors, advisors and campaign staffers. Good relationships with these different communities will set you up for success. 

step 4 family


step 4 neighbors


step 4 school


step 4 work


step 4 faith


step 4 politics


step 4 culture


step 4 hobbies


Tips for Networking

  • Attend and participate in the planning of community events 
  • Attend local political events 
  • Establish yourself as a reliable, go-to person who gets things done in your community/field 
  • Introduce yourself to people, collect business cards, stay in touch via social media and email 
  • Carry business cards and ask for business cards. And use those cards to follow-up with new acquaintances.
  • Be kind (in politics, and in life, it helps)
mya volunteers 2
mya volunteers 1

Spotlight: Friends helping friends run for office

Mya Whitaker, IGNITE Alumna, ran for Oakland City Council. When she built her team, she looked to the IGNITE community for staffers and volunteers. Fellow alumnae Emse and Deyci showed up to campaign for Mya and IGNITE high school participants volunteered via the campaign to register voters. And, two year later when it was Esme's turn to run for office, Mya volunteered on Emse's campaign for Oakland City Council.