How to land a job in politics

Written by Deshani Semaan | 4/21/20 8:17 PM

Do you want to make a difference in your community? Or make a change in the political process? From legislative aide to advocacy work, there are so many different ways you can work in politics. Here are some tips to help you jump-start your career in politics. 

1. Network.

When you network, you gain contacts that can help you develop your skills across the board and make yourself that much more likely to be hired. You’re going to end up in certain political spaces because of the people you talk to, so don’t be afraid to speak up. 

2. Go to events.

Put yourself out there. There are lots of political events that are open to the public. Go to the Capitol, attend meetings and get business cards. Follow up with the people who gave you a business card to continue the conversation. 

3. Local leaders are just like us, so use them as a resource.

They’re here for the people, and they’re more willing to help than you might think. After a politician speaks at an event, go introduce yourself. This might be nerve-wracking at first, but the more you speak to elected officials, the more comfortable you will be the next time. If you can’t make it to events, attend webinars with guest speakers who are working in the political realm. 

4. Be yourself.

Authenticity is key. You want to get a career in politics because you’re passionate about issues that affect your community, right? So let that passion shine. Also, remember to advocate for yourself when trying to land a job in politics, because you are your biggest advocate. 

5. It gets easier when you put yourself in those places.

By repeatedly going to events, talking to elected officials and making connections, you have a higher chance of landing a job in politics. Becoming an IGNITE Fellow is a great way to start, learn more about the Fellowship here

Want to take it a step further? Start making changes in your community by training with IGNITE


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