IGNITE Statement on the Mass Shooting in Buffalo

Written by Sara Guillermo | 5/16/22 8:33 PM

The mass shooting this weekend in Buffalo, New York, was a horrific public lynching that once again exposes the pervasive hatred against and dehumanization of our Black communities.

We mourn alongside those who have lost loved ones to hate crimes, and stand with our Black friends and colleagues. We demand tangible and immediate action from our elected officials to enact policy change that will bring accountability, justice, and long-lasting change. The Buffalo community and our nation cannot heal without concrete action that directly addresses the systemic racism at the root of this terrorist act and the daily violence our nation witnesses against Black bodies. 

IGNITE denounces individual and systemic racism in all forms and stands firmly with our Black community. The shooting in Buffalo is one of many violent outbreaks happening every day in America. This past weekend alone, multiple shootings took place across the nation, including in Houston and Los Angeles. Gun violence, white supremacy, inequities, and racial injustices are all connected. We will continue to prioritize racial justice across our advocacy efforts. To our IGNITE members, we are there with each of you. You can count on us to ensure your voices are heard.

Sara Guillermo, IGNITE CEO—America’s largest, most diverse organization devoted to young women’s political leadership.