Meet Cameron Tiefenthaler, IGNITE's 23-24 Ohio Fellow

Written by IGNITE | 9/7/23 3:48 PM

Cameron Tiefenthaler is the Dr. Anne Moses IGNITE Ohio Fellow. She is a senior at Miami University in Ohio double majoring in Political Science and Business Analytics on a Pre-Law track. She is an impassioned voting rights advocate and has engaged in politics in official and unofficial roles. Cameron spent a significant amount of her college time prioritizing civic engagement and ensuring all eligible voters on campus have the resources necessary to vote. Her strategy has included bringing all campus stakeholders to the table to address institutional issues such as low registration and turnout rates from specific majors, investigating making election day an academic holiday, expanding the definition of “civic engagement,” and exciting students about democracy in general. Her dedication to voting rights led to her recognition as a Truman Scholar (OH-23). After graduation, Cameron hopes to pursue civil rights or constitutional law to fight discrimination and promote equity, especially pertaining to voting rights. For Ohio inquiries, please contact Cameron at cameron@ignitenational.org