Meet Alexis Walker, IGNITE's 22-23 Pittsburgh Fellow

Written by IGNITE | 9/21/22 1:24 PM

Alexis Walker is IGNITE’s Pittsburgh Fellow. She graduated from Robert Morris University in 2019 where she studied Political Science, Women and Gender studies, and earned a certificate in Nonprofit Management. Alexis is an educator, a political enthusiast, and currently serves as the Director of GirlGov Programs within the Women and Girls Foundation. As a member of a marginalized community, she has seen firsthand how unequal access to education has acted as an immense barrier to opportunity and growth for our nation’s youth. She has always had the aspiration and passion to work for the betterment of marginalized communities throughout her volunteer and professional work. These aspirations grew to encompass education reform following her study abroad experience in Morocco. After this experience, she realized that she wanted to permanently dedicate her personal and professional aspirations to the betterment of marginalized communities through the lens of education reform. At the time, she turned her attention to pursuing a career as an advocate within the legislative sphere of policy reform. For Pittsburgh inquiries, contact Alexis at alexis@ignitenational.org