There are few issues that have been so passionately debated for so long. Regardless of your views on specific aspects of reproductive rights, one thing’s for sure: Your vote makes a difference. Who you help elect into office and the applicable ballot measures you help decide shape our reproductive care environment. Reproductive rights and access to reproductive healthcare are critical to all Americans, not just the ladies. You’ll likely need various forms of reproductive care throughout your entire lifespan, as you pass through different developmental and life stages.
Reproductive care encompasses much more than just controlling baby-making and treating sexually transmitted illnesses (though those are infinitely important!). It’s also about preventative medicine, later-life concerns (like menopause and prostate care), education, research, advocacy and policymaking and programming.
Your vote — as it relates to reproductive rights — is about So. Much. More. In fact, reproductive care’s considered by many to be a vital component of overall healthcare rather than a stand-alone thing. (Just another reason why general healthcare and the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid and Medicare are also of great concern.)
Let’s take a brief look at some of the hot-button issues. All of these have perpetually been in the news and the subject of major court cases. They’re all highly polarized and polarizing topics that can challenge the heart and mind.
Learning about reproductive health issues is a first step. The next big move is voting. You often can’t directly influence policies and programs, so your vote is the mechanism through which you exert force.
Occasionally you may have the opportunity to directly change reproductive rights via ballot measures. Otherwise, the officials you elect draft and enact legislation that sculpts healthcare. Their delegates and appointees (like Supreme Court judges), create (or dismantle) and administer or oversee healthcare policies and programs. The common thread here is still YOU.
Given that reproductive health is so important, it’s equally important that you have an ability to register your views on the issue. For this reason, voting rights are sometimes equated to reproductive justice.
When access to voting is made difficult or impossible, people are prevented from advocating and taking action for their own reproductive health. Probably not a surprise, but minority and marginalized individuals (e.g., BIPOC, immigrants, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+, the poor, young people) are disproportionately affected by voting suppression tactics. Oftentimes, these are also the communities most need of reproductive health services.
Disenfranchise of people in these groups is a particularly sensitive topic when viewed through the lens of history. In the context of history, women have had both a lack bodily autonomy or informed consent and a lack of political power. This has had some serious consequences. Here are a few examples:
This is just to underscore the idea that the act of voting in and of itself is an act of exercising reproductive rights. Casting your vote is a fundamental way to fight for your reproductive health justice.
Reproductive healthcare covers much more than just abortion and contraceptives. Because it’s so wide ranging, reproductive care is relevant to all Americans. We’ll all need it at some point in our lives.
By voting, you’re standing up for your reproductive rights. Your vote declares your position on reproductive health issues and can sway outcomes.
Access to voting is needed for reproductive justice to exist. Voting suppression efforts and lack of reproductive health rights disproportionately impact minority and marginalized people.
Go #IGNITEthevote and strive reproductive justice for all.