As more issues capture national attention, you may be asking yourself how do you get involved? Many folks tend to think of protest as being a primary form of activism, but activism exists in so many different forms! Everyone has different strengths, so take on a form of activism that works best for you.
Don’t feel the need to compare yourself to someone else! You don’t need to be the next Greta Thunberg, Marley Davis, or Emma Gonzales to advocate for important issues! We all bring strengths to the table, and we definitely need everyone with different experiences to bring new ideas and opinions. Here are four ways you can become an activist today.
One way to stay up to date with issues is to read books, watch movies, and research articles relevant to the issues you’re most interested in! Educating yourself will allow you to show your opinion backed up by facts. In doing this, you can also give the friends and family members you’re talking to a unique perspective on the issues.
When most people think of activism they think of protests and being an active participant on the grounds of the movement. It’s so important to have folks willing to be at movements, but it’s just as important for those people to have a base of organizers to rely on. A movement needs people organizing the event, others making signs, adults who are looking out for youth in the protest, and someone to provide snacks and water.
Art is an important form of activism for folks to express their beliefs on an issue. Illustrations, poetry, storytelling, and many more forms of expression allow others an insight into those experiencing the issues firsthand. Allow yourself to be and feel represented using any form of art!
If you are able to, let your activism become part of your political participation. While you advocate for an issue be sure to hold your representatives accountable to listen to your opinion. Ensure your elected officials are representing you by voting for candidates that stand up for what you believe in. With elections coming up, this is the perfect opportunity to check if you’re registered to vote, and if not, set up a voting plan!
We can and will continue to uplift and empower women and girls through policies that advance gender equity, even in this constantly changing world. It's time to join IGNITE as we take our legislative advocacy online!